Data preparation for computing adherence to medication in AdhereR

Samuel S. Allemann, Dan Dediu & Alex L. Dima



Adherence to medication is defined as the agreement between prescribed and actual medication use. Adherence metrics are often computed from electronic healthcare data (EHD) based on a single data source, such as pharmacy dispensing, or other administrative data [Dima & Dediu, 2017]. However, information about the medication prescribed and dispensed to a patient in a given time period may be found in different data sources, which become increasingly accessible for linking and thus for a more precise description of adherence patterns.

The core AdhereR functions estimate adherence based on durations for which medications have been prescribed and/or dispensed. However, medications might not be prescribed or dispensed for a specific duration in all circumstances. Many healthcare settings allow for multiple refills of prescriptions, and medications might be dispensed in fixed pre-packed quantities rather than from bulk. AdhereR can compute event durations based on prescribed and dispensed quantities.

Various events might affect supply durations after medications have been dispensed. Prescribed dosage might change between dispensing events, changing the original supply duration. Treatments may be interrupted and resumed at later times, for which existing supplies may or may not be used. In contrast, patients might not use their own supplies during certain periods (e.g., when hospitalised). AdhereR takes into account dosage changes, special periods, and treatment interruptions.

This vignette describes the functions compute_event_durations and its arguments. We use the provided example datasets included in the package to illustrate the various options and their impact on the calculated durations. We also discuss the computation of adherence with the output of compute_event_durations, introducing the functions prune_event_durations, cover_special_periods and time_to_initiation.


Throughout AdhereR, we use the same terms and definitions. For a complete list, you may refer to the AdhereR: Adherence to Medications vignette. Here we reiterate a selection of those terms and describe additional terms relevant for the context of this function:

Function compute_event_durations

Input data

If event durations need to be computed, at least two separate datasets are required: Dispensing events and Prescription events. Additionally, special periods for which medication is supplied but not documented in the dispensing dataset can be provided (e.g. hospitalisation events). Each of those datasets might require specific preparation steps to bring them into the format described below.

Dispensing data

The minimum necessary dataset includes 4 variables for each dispensing event: patient unique identifier, dispensing event date, medication class, and dispensed quantity.

medication class can include multiple columns, which allows to distinguish medications on multiple levels. For example, one might want to differentiate between dosage forms of the same substance (e.g., tablets and inhalers of corticosteroids) and include both columns (substance and form) to describe medication class. The dispensed quantity could be the number of units dispensed (e.g., tablets), or a total number of subunits contained in each dispensed unit (e.g., milligrams in tablets). If multiple dosage forms for the same substance exist, it is useful to calculate the subunits because the dispensed dosage per unit might not correspond to the prescribed dosage per unit. For example, a prescription for 40 mg Atorvastatin 1 tablet daily might be dispensed as 80 mg tablets with the instruction to use half of a tablet per day.

For demonstration purposes, AdhereR comes with a sample dataset containing dispensing events (one per row) for 16 patients over a period of roughly 24 months (1794 events in total). Each row represents an individual dispensing record for a specific dose of a specific medication for a patient at a given date. Six variables are included in this dataset:

  • patient unique identifier (ID),
  • dispensing event date (DATE.DISP; from 1 July 2056 to 12 July 2058, in the “yyyy-mm-dd” ISO format),
  • medication class
    • ATC code (ATC.CODE; 49 different codes according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification [ATC] System),
    • dosage unit (UNIT; 57% MG, 12% MICROG, 31% UI),
    • dosage form (FORM; 12% INHALATION VAPOUR, 3% INJECTION, 13% METERED INHALER, 72% ORAL FORM), and
  • dispensed quantity (TOTAL.DOSE; median 20,000, range 10-120,000,000).

Table 1 shows the first 10 rows of the dispensing events in the example dataset durcomp.dispensing.

Table 1: First 10 rows of example dispensing data
1 2057-01-14 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 1120
1 2057-03-07 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 280
1 2056-10-03 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 1120
1 2056-12-03 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 1120
1 2057-08-04 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 1120
1 2058-02-09 A02BC05 MG ORAL FORM 1120

Prescribing data

The minimum necessary dataset includes 4 variables for each prescription event: patient unique identifier, prescription event date, medication class, and prescribed daily dose. A visit number and prescription duration are optional.

medication class can include multiple columns, corresponding to the columns in the dispensing dataset. A duration will only be calculated if the information in all columns for the medication class are the same in dispensing and prescription events. Similar to the dispensed quantity, the prescribed daily dose could be the number of units prescribed per day (e.g., 2 tablets), or a total dosage to be taken daily (e.g., 40 mg). If a medication is prescribed for regular but not daily use, the dosage should be recalculated, e.g. in case of 70 mg once per week, the prescribed daily dose should be 10 mg.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It is assumed that the prescribed daily dose can be accomodated with the dispensed medication, for example by splitting tablets. This requires careful consideration and exploratory analysis of the dispensed and prescribed dosage forms and posologies.

For demonstration purposes, AdhereR comes with a sample dataset containing prescription events (one per row) for 16 patients over a period of roughly 15 months (1502 events in total). Each row represents an individual prescription record for a specific dose of a specific medication for a patient at a given date. Eight variables are included in this dataset:

  • patient unique identifier (ID),
  • prescription event date (DATE.PRESC; from 15 September 2056 to 30 December 2057, in the “yyyy-mm-dd” ISO format),
  • visit number (VISIT; median 5, range 0-16),
  • medication class
    • ATC code (ATC.CODE; 43 different codes according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification [ATC] System),
    • dosage unit (UNIT; 50% MG, 10% MICROG, 40% UI),
  • prescription duration (PRESC.DURATION; median 30, range 30-90 days, 1437 not provided (NA), and
  • prescribed daily dose (DAILY.DOSE; median 600, range 0.07-8000000).

Table 2 shows the first 10 rows of the prescription events in the example dataset durcomp.prescribing.

Table 2: First 10 rows of example prescribing data
1 2056-12-08 0 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 36000
1 2057-02-23 1 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 86000
1 2057-03-03 2 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 86000
1 2057-03-18 3 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 86000
1 2057-09-01 4 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 86000
1 2057-09-24 5 A09AA02 ORAL FORM UI NA 86000

Special periods (optional)

During certain periods, medication use may differ from what is expected based on the available data. Typical examples of such periods are hospitalisations, holidays, incarcerations, or similar. If available, these periods can be taken into account during computation of event durations. The minimum required variables are: patient unique identifier, start date, and end date of special periods. Optional columns are type (indicating the type of special period), the method how to handle a specific period (explained below), and medication class (from those specified in dispensing and prescription datasets).

For demonstration purposes, AdhereR comes with a sample dataset containing hospitalization periods (one per row) for 10 patients over a period of roughly 18 months (28 events in total). Each row represents an individual hospitalisation period of a patient for whom event durations should be calculated. All column names must match the format provided in this example:

  • patient unique identifier (ID),
  • start date (DATE.IN; from 15 September 2056 to 23 November 2057, in the “yyyy-mm-dd” ISO format), and
  • end date (DATE.OUT; from 22 September 2056 to 24 December 2057, in the “yyyy-mm-dd” ISO format)

Table 3 shows the first 10 rows of the hospitalisation events in the example dataset durcomp.hospitalisation.

Table 3: First 10 rows of example hospitalisation data
1 2057-03-03 2057-03-06
1 2057-09-01 2057-09-04
3 2057-03-04 2057-03-17
3 2057-03-26 2057-05-01
3 2057-06-15 2057-06-22
3 2057-08-04 2057-08-12

Function arguments

The function arguments for compute_event_durations are:

In the following paragraphs, we discuss the various options regarding special periods and treatment interruption, prescription start and renewal, and dosage changes.

Split on dosage change

If the dosage changes before the end of a supply duration, split.on.dosage.change = TRUE creates a new event on the day of dosage change and recalculates the duration for the remaining supply. If patients are expected to finish the previous supply with the original dose and starting with the new dosage recommendation from the next supply onward, split.on.dosage.change should be set to FALSE. Alternatively, this can be set for each medication class separately by providing the name of a column containing the information in the dispensing dataset (logical, TRUE or FALSE).

In Figure 5 below, the dosage for Insulin (NovoMix) changed while the patient still had an available supply. By setting split.on.dosage.change = TRUE, a new event is created on the day of dosage change.

Figure 5: CMA0 calculated for a patient with split.on.dosage.change = TRUE (left) or FALSE (right). Numbers represent dosage in milligrams. Blue vertical lines indicate dates of dosage change. Drag the slider to reveal the differences.

Force initial prescription

If the dispensing dataset of a patient covers events with earlier dates than the first prescription events for this specific medication, force.init.presc = TRUE advances the date of the first prescription event to the date of the first dispensing event. For example, if prescribing data is only available during the observation window, but dispensing data covers a larger follow-up window, this setting allows the calculation of supply durations for carryover into the observation window.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This only applies if the first prescription event is not limited in duration (as indicated in presc.duration.colname). This is to avoid assumptions about the true start date and duration of such prescriptions.

In the example in Figure 3 below, the patient had dispensing events for Salbutamol (R03AC02) and Salmeterol (R03AC12) starting from 2056-07-31, but the first prescribing event for either of those was not before 2056-12-10. Because the prescriptions were not limited in duration, by setting force.init.presc = TRUE, durations for dispensing events before 2056-12-10 can be calculated.

**Figure 3:** CMA7 calculated for a patient with force.init.presc = TRUE

Figure 3: CMA7 calculated for a patient with force.init.presc = TRUE

Force prescription renewal

If a medication is not prescribed during any given visit for a patient, force.prescription.renew = TRUE will make sure that the prescription episode for this medication ends on the first visit without renewal. Alternatively, this can be set for each medication class separately by providing the name of a column containing the information in the dispensing dataset (logical, TRUE or FALSE).

If prescriptions are not routinely prescribed during all visits, force.prescription.renew should be set to FALSE. This can also be the case if prescription data covers multiple prescribers, because treatments prescribed by one prescriber might continue even when not prescribed during a subsequent visit to another prescriber.

In Table 4 and Figure 4 below, the medication (a leukotriene receptor antagonist) was prescribed for a limited duration initially (during visit 2 and 3). Later, it was represcribed during visits 7, 8, 10, and 11, but not during visit 9. By setting force.presc.renew = TRUE, the prescription ends on the date of visit 9 and restarts on the date of visit 10.

Table 4: Prescription events for example patient.
9 2057-01-27 2 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG NA 10
9 2057-02-10 3 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG 30 10
9 2057-08-28 7 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG NA 10
9 2057-09-18 8 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG NA 10
9 2057-10-30 10 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG NA 10
9 2057-11-13 11 R03DC03 ORAL FORM MG NA 10
<a name="Figure-4"></a>**Figure 4:** CMA0 calculated for a leukotriene receptor antagonist with force.presc.renew = TRUE. Triangles on top indicate visits (grey: not prescribed, blue: prescribed). Pale yellow areas with dashed outline indicate prescription episodes.

Figure 4: CMA0 calculated for a leukotriene receptor antagonist with force.presc.renew = TRUE. Triangles on top indicate visits (grey: not prescribed, blue: prescribed). Pale yellow areas with dashed outline indicate prescription episodes.

Special periods methods and treatment interruptions

During special periods and treatment interruptions, medication use may differ from usual conditions. The argument special.periods.method tells AdhereR what to do during such periods. Similarly, trt.interruption specifies handling of treatment interruptions (periods without prescription). There are 3 options that can be set globally:

  • continue has no impact on durations and dispensing start dates: Patients are expected to continue using the existing supply as initially prescribed,
  • discard truncates supplies at the beginning of special period or treatment interruption and the remaining supply is discarded. This might be used if patients are asked to return unused medications after a limited treatment course (e.g. antibiotic treatments),
  • carryover truncates supplies at the beginning of a special period or treatment interruption, but the remaining supply is carried over until the end of the interruption and a new event will be added for the remaining duration. This might be used if patients are hospitalized and receive medications from hospital wards but are expected to continue using their previously available supplies after discharge. Similarly, if patients have repeat prescriptions for short durations and are expected to use supplies from previous courses. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: When using this setting, the computed durations may need additional processing before CMA calculations (see examples below).

In addition to the global options, both settings accept a column name in the dispensing dataset (for trt.interruption) or special periods dataset (for special.periods.method). The column can contain either of continue, discard, or carryover per medication class (for trt.interruption) or per special period type and/or medication class (for special.periods.method).

Special periods may occur during prescription episodes or treatment interruptions and different types of special periods may co-occur. Treatment interruptions are prioritized over other special periods: If a prescription ends and trt.interruption = 'carryover', a different setting in special.periods.method has no effect during periods of treatment interruption. However, if a special period of type continue overlaps with another special period of type carryover, the setting of the period with the later start date is used.

In Figure 1 below, the patient had frequent hospitalisation events (blue segments). By setting trt.interruptions = "carryover", supplies available before the start of hospitalisation are truncated and a new event is created on the day of discharge for the remaining supply.

**Figure 1:** CMA0 calculated for a patient with trt.interruption = "carryover"

Figure 1: CMA0 calculated for a patient with trt.interruption = “carryover”

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario with some overlapping special periods.

1 2000-01-15 2000-02-20 HOSP carryover
1 2000-01-25 2000-02-05 REHAB continue
1 2000-03-01 2000-03-15 HOLIDAY continue
1 2000-03-05 2000-03-10 HOSP carryover

Figure 2 shows a hypothetical patient with one prescription and one dispensing event for 60 days. By providing the above dataset as special.periods = "special_episodes" and setting special.periods.method = "CUSTOM", the 60-day supply is truncated and restarted according to the most recent special period that hasn’t ended yet.

**Figure 2:** CMA0 calculated for a patient with different types of special periods and special.periods.method = "CUSTOM". Bars at the top of the plot and shaded areas indicate special periods: Blue for 'continue' and Purple for 'carryover'.

Figure 2: CMA0 calculated for a patient with different types of special periods and special.periods.method = “CUSTOM”. Bars at the top of the plot and shaded areas indicate special periods: Blue for ‘continue’ and Purple for ‘carryover’.

Output of compute_event_durations

The output of compute_event_durations is a list containing all data required for CMA computations, plus additional information:

In addition, the output contains all the arguments to the function call:

## $event_durations
##    1:  1  A02BC02     MG       ORAL FORM 2057-09-04        560         20
##    2:  1  A02BC02     MG       ORAL FORM 2058-06-03        560         20
##    3:  1  A02BC02     MG       ORAL FORM 2058-07-09        560         20
##    4:  1  A02BC05     MG       ORAL FORM 2056-08-05       1120         NA
##    5:  1  A02BC05     MG       ORAL FORM 2056-10-03       1120         NA
##   ---                                                                    
## 1442: 16  R03AC12 MICROG METERED INHALER 2058-06-17       3000         50
## 1443: 16  R03AC12 MICROG METERED INHALER 2058-07-12       3000         50
## 1444: 16  R03AK06 MICROG METERED INHALER 2057-11-02      30000        500
## 1445: 16  R03AK06 MICROG METERED INHALER 2058-01-04      30000        500
## 1446: 16  R03AK06 MICROG METERED INHALER 2058-04-20      60000        500
##       DISP.START DURATION episode.start episode.end SPECIAL.DURATION
##    1: 2057-09-04       28    2057-09-01        <NA>                0
##    2: 2058-06-03       28    2057-09-01        <NA>                0
##    3: 2058-07-09       28    2057-09-01        <NA>                0
##    4:       <NA>       NA          <NA>        <NA>               NA
##    5:       <NA>       NA          <NA>        <NA>               NA
##   ---                                                               
## 1442: 2058-06-17       60    2057-11-23        <NA>                0
## 1443: 2058-07-12       60    2057-11-23        <NA>                0
## 1444: 2057-11-02       60    2057-11-02        <NA>                0
## 1445: 2058-01-04       60    2057-11-02        <NA>                0
## 1446: 2058-04-20      120    2057-11-02        <NA>                0
##       tot.dosage.changes CARRYOVER.DURATION
##    1:                  0                 NA
##    2:                  0                 NA
##    3:                  0                 NA
##    4:                 NA                 NA
##    5:                 NA                 NA
##   ---                                      
## 1442:                  0                 NA
## 1443:                  0                 NA
## 1444:                  0                 NA
## 1445:                  0                 NA
## 1446:                  0                 NA
## $prescription_episodes
##      ID ATC.CODE   UNIT              FORM DAILY.DOSE episode.ID
##   1:  1  A02BC02     MG         ORAL FORM     20.000          1
##   2:  1  A09AA02     UI         ORAL FORM  36000.000          1
##   3:  1  A09AA02     UI         ORAL FORM  86000.000          2
##   4:  1  R03AC12 MICROG   METERED INHALER    100.000          1
##   5:  2  A11CC05     UI         ORAL FORM   1111.111          1
##  ---                                                           
## 253: 16  J01MA02     MG         ORAL FORM   1000.000          1
## 254: 16  J02AC02     MG         ORAL FORM    400.000          1
## 255: 16  R03AC02     MG INHALATION VAPOUR      5.000          1
## 256: 16  R03AC12 MICROG   METERED INHALER     50.000          1
## 257: 16  R03AK06 MICROG   METERED INHALER    500.000          1
##      episode.start episode.duration episode.end
##   1:    2057-09-01               NA        <NA>
##   2:    2056-12-08               77  2057-02-23
##   3:    2057-02-23               NA        <NA>
##   4:    2057-02-23               NA        <NA>
##   5:    2056-09-22               NA        <NA>
##  ---                                           
## 253:    2057-10-12               30  2057-11-11
## 254:    2057-11-23               NA        <NA>
## 255:    2056-11-17               NA        <NA>
## 256:    2057-11-23               NA        <NA>
## 257:    2057-11-02               NA        <NA>
## $special_periods
##     ID    DATE.IN   DATE.OUT
##  1:  1 2057-03-03 2057-03-06
##  2:  1 2057-09-01 2057-09-04
##  3:  3 2057-03-04 2057-03-17
##  4:  3 2057-03-26 2057-05-01
##  5:  3 2057-06-15 2057-06-22
##  6:  3 2057-08-04 2057-08-12
##  7:  3 2057-08-19 2057-08-26
##  8:  3 2057-10-05 2057-10-16
##  9:  3 2057-11-02 2057-12-24
## 10:  4 2057-07-15 2057-07-16
## 11:  4 2057-11-23 2057-11-30
## 12:  6 2056-09-15 2056-09-22
## 13:  6 2057-03-11 2057-03-18
## 14:  6 2057-10-14 2057-10-21
## 15:  7 2057-03-12 2057-03-19
## 16:  7 2057-05-14 2057-05-21
## 17:  7 2057-07-17 2057-07-31
## 18:  9 2057-04-09 2057-04-10
## 19:  9 2057-05-25 2057-06-26
## 20:  9 2057-09-02 2057-09-04
## 21: 10 2057-03-27 2057-04-03
## 22: 10 2057-07-13 2057-07-20
## 23: 12 2057-07-07 2057-07-13
## 24: 14 2057-01-16 2057-01-27
## 25: 14 2057-02-11 2057-02-13
## 26: 14 2057-02-24 2057-02-27
## 27: 14 2057-10-26 2057-10-30
## 28: 15 2057-09-07 2057-09-10
##     ID    DATE.IN   DATE.OUT
## $ID.colname
## [1] "ID"
## $medication.class.colnames
## [1] "ATC.CODE" "UNIT"     "FORM"    
## $
## [1] "DATE.DISP"
## $total.dose.colname
## [1] "TOTAL.DOSE"
## $
## [1] "DATE.PRESC"
## $presc.daily.dose.colname
## [1] "DAILY.DOSE"
## $presc.duration.colname
## $visit.colname
## [1] "VISIT"
## $split.on.dosage.change
## [1] TRUE
## $force.init.presc
## [1] FALSE
## $force.presc.renew
## [1] FALSE
## $trt.interruption
## [1] "continue"
## $special.periods.method
## [1] "continue"
## $date.format
## [1] "%Y-%m-%d"

Computing CMA with the output of compute_event_durations

In principle the output of compute_event_durations can be used directly for CMA computation as described in the main vignette (after removing rows with zero or missing durations). However, there are some specificities to consider.

Medication class

In compute_event_durations, one or multiple columns to specify medication classes can be provided. Using multiple columns is especially useful when different formulations or brands of the same medication need to be matched between dispensing and prescribing data. This is in contrast to CMA computations (for single medications), where only one column for the medication class can be specified.

Event date

The event_durations dataset has two columns that can be used as event date:, the original dispensing date in the dispensing dataset or DISP.START, which might differ from the former in case of dosage changes, treatment interruptions or special periods of type carryover. For CMA versions accounting for carryover, there will be no difference between the two choices, as long as the events take place within the observation period. If an event start gets pushed out of the observation period (e.g., because of carryover during a special period), this will affect CMA calculation. Generally, it is appropriate to use DISP.START as input for CMA calculations.

Figure 6 shows CMA7-plots of the same event_durations, on top with = "DATE.DISP" and below with = "DISP.START". The observation window (OW) begins and ends during special periods of type carryover (blue areas). With = "DISP.START", part of a supply is pushed into the OW and another supply is partially pushed out of the OW.

Figure 6: CMA7 calculated with = "DATE.DISP" (left) and = "DISP.START" (right) for an observation period starting and ending during special periods with carryover. Drag the slider to reveal the differences.

Function prune_event_durations

Dosage changes, special periods, and treatment interruptions of type carryover may lead to overestimation of implementation, e.g. if patients get a refill after discharge from hospital and don’t continue to use their previous supply. Likewise, it may also lead to overestimation of persistence, e.g. when patients do in fact discontinue treatments after the end of a special period or treatment interruption.

To correct for these situations,AdhereR offers the prune_event_durations function. The function looks for new dispensing events within a user-specified time after dosage changes, special periods, or treatment interruptions and flags or removes leftover supply from previous dispensing events within the same period.
It accepts the raw list output of compute_event_durations and additional arguments to specify event durations that need to be removed:

The function output is the pruned event_durations dataset.

Function cover_special_periods

Without further processing of event_durations for CMA computations, special periods will appear as gaps, possibly leading to underestimation of implementation or even assumption of discontinuation and non-persistence. To consider such periods as covered, they can be added to the event_durations dataset, for example when it is assumed that hospitalized patients are adherent during the hospitalization period. This can be achieved by merging the special periods with the event_durations dataset and should be done after pruning with prune_event_durations.

AdhereR offers the cover_special_periods function to identify special periods that are in proximity to already covered durations and adds an additional event for these durations. It requires at least the following arguments:

The function output is the dataset with the additional durations for special periods covered.

# select medication class of interest and compute event durations
event_durations_list <- compute_event_durations( = durcomp.dispensing[ID == 3 & grepl("J01EE01", ATC.CODE)],
                                       = durcomp.prescribing[ID == 3 & grepl("J01EE01", ATC.CODE)],
                                       = durcomp.hospitalisation[ID == 3],
                                                special.periods.method = "carryover",
                                                ID.colname = "ID",
                                       = "DATE.PRESC",
                                       = "DATE.DISP",
                                                date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                                                medication.class.colnames = c("ATC.CODE","UNIT", "FORM"),
                                                total.dose.colname = "TOTAL.DOSE",
                                                presc.daily.dose.colname = "DAILY.DOSE",
                                                presc.duration.colname = "PRESC.DURATION",
                                                visit.colname = "VISIT",
                                                force.init.presc = TRUE,
                                                force.presc.renew = TRUE,
                                                split.on.dosage.change = TRUE,
                                                trt.interruption = "carryover",
                                                suppress.warnings = FALSE,
                                       = TRUE,
                                       = FALSE)

# prune dataset
event_durations <- prune_event_durations(event_durations_list,
                                         include = c("special periods"), # only consider special periods
                                         medication.class.colnames = "ATC.CODE", 
                                = 7, # flag carryover durations if there are new events within 7 days after the end of special periods 
                                = 30, # flag carryover durations if there are no new events within 30 days after the end of special periods 
                                         keep.all = FALSE # remove flagged events from dataset

# cover special periods
event_durations_covered <- cover_special_periods( = event_durations,
                                        = event_durations_list$special_periods,
                                                 ID.colname = "ID",
                                                 disp.start.colname = "DISP.START",
                                                 duration.colname = "DURATION",
                                                 medication.class.colnames = "ATC.CODE",
                                                 days.before = 7,
                                                 days.after = 7,
                                                 date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                                        = TRUE)

Figure 7 shows the same plot as Figure 1, but with pruned durations and added events for special durations.

<a name="Figure-7"></a>**Figure 7:** CMA0 calculated for a patient with trt.interruption = "carryover", carryover events pruned and special durations covered.

Figure 7: CMA0 calculated for a patient with trt.interruption = “carryover”, carryover events pruned and special durations covered.

Compute CMA with precomputed episodes

Periods without prescriptions (treatment interruptions) or certain special episodes can be excluded from CMA computations to avoid under-estimation of adherence. In these instances CMA_per_episode can be used with precomputed episodes, e.g. prescription episodes from the output of compute_event_durations. Precomputed episodes can be specified with the treat.epi parameter in CMA_per_episode. The episodes have to be a data.frame or data.table with the following columns:

The prescription episodes in the output of compute_event_durations come in the correct format to use with CMA_per_episode:

# select medication class of interest and compute event durations
event_durations_list <- compute_event_durations( = durcomp.dispensing[grepl("J01EE01", ATC.CODE)],
                                       = durcomp.prescribing[grepl("J01EE01", ATC.CODE)],
                                                ID.colname = "ID",
                                       = "DATE.PRESC",
                                       = "DATE.DISP",
                                                date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                                                medication.class.colnames = c("ATC.CODE","UNIT", "FORM"),
                                                total.dose.colname = "TOTAL.DOSE",
                                                presc.daily.dose.colname = "DAILY.DOSE",
                                                presc.duration.colname = "PRESC.DURATION",
                                                visit.colname = "VISIT",
                                                force.init.presc = FALSE,
                                                force.presc.renew = TRUE,
                                                split.on.dosage.change = TRUE,
                                                trt.interruption = "carryover",
                                                suppress.warnings = FALSE,
                                       = TRUE,
                                       = FALSE)
# get event durations and prescription episodes
event_durations <- copy(event_durations_list$event_durations)
prescription_episodes <- copy(event_durations_list$prescription_episodes)

# if no prescription enddate, set to end of follow-up window
treatment_episodes <- copy(prescription_episodes[, episode.end := as.Date("2058-01-01")])

# calculate episode duration
treatment_episodes[, episode.duration := as.numeric(episode.end-episode.start)]

# drop unnecessary columns
treatment_episodes[,`:=` (ATC.CODE = NULL,
                          UNIT = NULL,
                          FORM = NULL,
                          DAILY.DOSE = NULL)]

event_durations[,`:=` (episode.start = NULL,
                       episode.end = NULL)]

# compute CMA per episode
df_cma_episode <- CMA_per_episode(data = event_durations[DURATION > 0],
                               treat.epi = treatment_episodes, # supply precomputed prescription episodes to CMA_per_episode
                      = "CMA7",
                               ID.colname = "ID",
                      = "DISP.START",
                               event.duration.colname = "DURATION",
                               event.daily.dose.colname = "DAILY.DOSE",
                               medication.class.colname = "ATC.CODE",
                               followup.window.start = as.Date("2056-01-01"),
                               followup.window.duration = 3*365,
                               observation.window.start = as.Date("2057-01-01"),
                               observation.window.duration = 365,
                               suppress.warnings = TRUE)

# get CMA per episode
cma_episode <- getCMA(df_cma_episode)

# display as markdown table
ID episode.ID episode.start episode.duration episode.end CMA
3 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 159 2057-06-09 0.8113208
3 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 159 2057-06-09 0.8113208
3 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 159 2057-06-09 0.8113208
3 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 159 2057-06-09 0.8113208
3 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 159 2057-06-09 0.8113208
3 2 2057-06-09 46.000000 206 2058-01-01 0.5339806
3 2 2057-06-09 46.000000 206 2058-01-01 0.5339806
3 2 2057-06-09 46.000000 206 2058-01-01 0.5339806
3 2 2057-06-09 46.000000 206 2058-01-01 0.5339806
5 1 2057-02-23 9.666667 30 2057-03-25 0.4444444
6 1 2057-01-16 4.000000 30 2057-02-15 0.8333333
6 2 2057-12-15 NA 17 2058-01-01 0.8823529
6 2 2057-12-15 NA 17 2058-01-01 0.8823529
7 1 2057-12-10 8.000000 22 2058-01-01 0.4545455
9 1 2057-01-07 NA 30 2057-02-06 NA
9 2 2057-04-10 0.000000 30 2057-05-10 1.0000000
10 1 2057-01-06 NA 30 2057-02-05 NA
10 2 2057-04-21 0.000000 30 2057-05-21 1.0000000
10 2 2057-04-21 0.000000 30 2057-05-21 1.0000000
10 3 2057-06-09 15.666667 30 2057-07-09 0.4444444
10 4 2057-08-21 0.000000 30 2057-09-20 0.1666667
12 1 2057-03-30 0.000000 30 2057-04-29 0.5000000
12 2 2057-07-07 20.000000 30 2057-08-06 0.3333333
13 1 2057-01-01 8.000000 10 2057-01-11 0.2000000
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
13 2 2057-04-23 53.000000 253 2058-01-01 0.2964427
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 1 2057-02-28 0.000000 200 2057-09-16 0.3200000
14 2 2057-09-16 2.000000 30 2057-10-16 0.9333333
16 1 2057-09-22 0.000000 48 2057-11-09 0.6875000
16 1 2057-09-22 0.000000 48 2057-11-09 0.6875000
16 1 2057-09-22 0.000000 48 2057-11-09 0.6875000
16 1 2057-09-22 0.000000 48 2057-11-09 0.6875000
16 1 2057-09-22 0.000000 48 2057-11-09 0.6875000
16 2 2057-11-09 3.000000 30 2057-12-09 0.9000000
16 2 2057-11-09 3.000000 30 2057-12-09 0.9000000

Function time_to_initiation

CMA calculations for precomputed episodes do not necessarily reflect implementation. Delayed initiation and early discontinuation (non-persistence) may reduce CMA values. Non-persistence can be identified by looking at in the output of CMA_per_episodes, which indicates how many days before the end of an episode are not covered.

Delayed initiation becomes evident when we calculate time to initiation for the same data. The function time_to_initiation calculates the time between the start of a prescription episode and the first dispensing event, taking into account multiple variables to differentiate between treatments. It requires at least the following input:

Its output is a data.frame or data.table with the following columns:

time_init <- time_to_initiation( = prescription_episodes,
                       = event_durations,
                                ID.colname = "ID",
                                presc.start.colname = "episode.start",
                       = "DATE.DISP",
                                medication.class.colnames = c("ATC.CODE"),
                                date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                                suppress.warnings = FALSE,
                       = TRUE)

# display as markdown table
ID ATC.CODE episode.start first.disp
3 J01EE01 2056-09-23 2056-10-18 25
3 J01EE01 2057-06-09 2057-06-25 16
5 J01EE01 2057-02-23 2057-03-02 7
6 J01EE01 2057-01-16 2057-01-17 1
6 J01EE01 2057-12-15 2057-12-16 1
7 J01EE01 2057-12-10 2057-12-14 4
9 J01EE01 2057-04-10 NA NA
9 J01EE01 2057-01-07 2057-03-19 71
10 J01EE01 2057-01-06 2057-02-18 43
10 J01EE01 2057-04-21 2057-04-24 3
10 J01EE01 2057-06-09 2057-06-10 1
10 J01EE01 2057-08-21 2057-09-15 25
11 J01EE01 2057-10-19 NA NA
12 J01EE01 2057-07-07 NA NA
12 J01EE01 2057-03-30 2057-04-14 15
13 J01EE01 2056-12-12 2056-12-24 12
13 J01EE01 2057-04-23 2057-04-25 2
14 J01EE01 2057-09-16 NA NA
14 J01EE01 2057-02-28 2057-03-14 14
16 J01EE01 2057-09-22 2057-09-22 0
16 J01EE01 2057-11-09 2057-11-09 0


In this vignette, we presented the AdhereR functions compute_event_durations, prune_event_durations, cover_special_periods, and time_to_initiation. These functions aim to assist with the preparation and exploration of EHD for adherence estimation.

The functions can be used when information about the medication prescribed and dispensed to a patient in a given time period are available from different data sources and can be linked via a common identifiers for patients and medications. The compute_event_durations functions is especially useful when medications are not be prescribed or dispensed for a specific duration but dispensed quantities and prescribed daily dosages are available. The functions prune_event_durations and cover_special_periods are especially useful when dates of special periods (e.g., hospitalizations) or treatment interruptions are available. The function time_to_initiation helps to further distinguish between initiation and implementation.

Various parameters allow for flexible and transparent customization of the functions to many situations and needs. Before applying the functions to large datasets, users should carefully explore their data for all medications included.


Dima A.L., Dediu D. (2017) Computation of adherence to medication and visualization of medication histories in R with AdhereR: Towards transparent and reproducible use of electronic healthcare data. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174426. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174426.